Are you serious? I can't believe we are so close to Black Friday. This is so exciting. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are clearly two of the absolute most terrific days of the year. Certainly, Christmas morning is also exhilarating. However, I think I could actually live without Christmas but never live without Black Friday or Cyber Monday. OK, maybe I am exaggerating a bit. In reality, I prefer the actual day of Christmas over both Black Friday and Cyber Monday. For the sake of this blog post, let's just continue on the assumption that the holiday sales season as actually more important then the holiday's themselves.
If you take a quick peek at the calendar, you will see that we are nearly to Thanksgiving. I am not too excited about Turkey, but I am eager for the following day. If you are like me, interested in black Friday sales, you may want to visit the black Friday sales website at
If you know of any spectacular holiday sales websites where we can find special deals on clothing or accessories, please share your suggestions in the comments section of this blog. It would be great to have a few more resources to check out.