Wrapp, this season's must have social gifting app is going to make holiday
gifting a cinch this year with the one-day-only-event, "Social Gifting
Wednesday" on November 21, 2012. Here is why your readers will care: Wrapp
retail partners including Sephora, Fab.com, Gap, Rent the Runway, Levi's, Warpy
Parker, Hayneedle and Genyara are each contributing AT LEAST a free gift card
valued at $10 for a total of $200+ worth of free gift cards for users to send
their friends (and have friends send them, no strings attached) on Wednesday
only to kick off Black Friday and Cyber Wednesday shopping.
Unlike e-commerce sites or Facebook Gifts, which ship presents to peoples' homes, all users have to do is download the Wrapp app (or sign up online) and the cards are automatically stored in their digital wallet. Then in-store, they simply show the card to the cashier on their phone and the amount is redeemed!
In less than a year consumers have used Wrapp to give more than 4 million digital gift cards to their friends and family!
Are you ready for Black Friday? It is coming very soon.
Unlike e-commerce sites or Facebook Gifts, which ship presents to peoples' homes, all users have to do is download the Wrapp app (or sign up online) and the cards are automatically stored in their digital wallet. Then in-store, they simply show the card to the cashier on their phone and the amount is redeemed!
In less than a year consumers have used Wrapp to give more than 4 million digital gift cards to their friends and family!
Are you ready for Black Friday? It is coming very soon.